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People we met in the States 5

Claudia and Leon

We met Claudia and Leon at a campround north of LA. They spent some days at the coast with Leon's brother, before he flew to Hawaii and tried to do some art. After we accepted their invitation we got the chance to celebrate Markus' 40. birthday with them. As they live we would also like to live later. In the morning Igor, their dog, came to wake us up. He was so well brought up and lovely that we wanted to keep him. Here I made my first virtual art exibition of "World Trees". It was the beginning of a very creative period. At the same time they work as teacher and electician, both made music in a band. They hope to be discovered one day - LA is a good place therefore. (mi)


Gail and Terry

Our first attempt with the "Warm Shower List", in which we just became members, was a real goal. Gail and Terry were very inspiring for us. Since we left the Johnsons in Oregon, we have'nt been as creative and productive. Markus learned how to work with a Terry's Palm Pilot. And he had repaired everything on our bicycles in Terry's shop. He is an ambitious racing biker himself.

Markus cooked and baked like a world champion. In the meantime I made a lot of things. In one corner of the living room I furnished something like a nest, where I did my beadwork for hours and hours. One afternoon Gail showed me how to make beautiful dolls, and gave me all the material I needed to make a native medicine woman. Their children, Kyle and Kelsey showed me how to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Markus and I built a garden hut for the children, which we presented to them with a big ceremony. Nevermind how extraordinay our ideas were, Gail and Terry always supported us. (mi)

Linda and Steve

Our second attempt with people from the "Warm Shower List" was as successful as the first. Linda gave us their boogie board, something like a surfboard for beginners. I pulled Markus away from the computer to the beach, where we rode on the waves until sunset. We slept in the sunlight and watched the birds. Also we got the happy opportunity to ride their tandem. It was big fun! They were enthusiastic bicyclists and met at a race. While Linda crossed the finish line very exhausted Steve fell in love with her at once. (mi)


Linda and Laurens

On the way to Linda and Laurens we watched a beautiful sunset over the sea. When we arrived the dinner was already prepared. They had an atlas with lots of pictures and maps of Germany. Laurens wanted to know exactly where we came from, and where to ride bicycles on beautiful roads in Germany. He hoped to convince Linda to make a bicycle-holiday in Europe. Laurens also liked to ride recumbent, so he found the right person in Markus for conversing about recumbents. Maybe they will visit us in Germany; that would be great. (mi)


Elizabeth und Bill

Elizabeth is the mother of Mike (see Oregon/California). At her and Bill's beautiful renovated old house, in a historic neighborhood, we spent some wonderful days. Elizabeth and Bill helped us with everything we needed to do before we entered Mexico. They received a package for us from Germany, brought us to a hospital (we needed the third shot against Hepatitis) and helped us to get some special things like refills for my favourite pens. Bill worked for many years at Universal Studios. Among other things, he built hotels, office buildings, and bungalows for the movie stars. He had lots of stories. Marlon Brando for example was annoyed him: He complained that his hot tub was too small, all his girl friends won't fit in. So the brand new hot tub had to be taken down and replaced by a bigger one. Also Bill worked a lot with Steven Spielberg. But at one point Bill didn't agreed with him: Steven always wanted Bill to drink herbal tea, because it is so healthy. And Bill doesn't like tea, especially herbal tea. Bill admires very much the early actors like Gary Grant and James Stewart. They were gentlemen of the highest order. Also he liked to tell storys about Elizabeth Taylor. Bill's stories would fill a large book! (mi)

Jan and Jim

What confusion: we had two different addresses from couples in San Diego with the first names Jan and Jim (see below). Then, working on our website the confusion got even worse. At both couples homes, we once again learned of the active and engaged life of retired people in the States. This Jim is a passionated surfer, and we saw a short video of him surfing. Jan takes very beautiful art pictures while both are traveling - usualy on their tandem. Jan's pictures were shown in a gallery and can also be seen on her website: Jan and Jim are very atheletic and I went running with them at sunrise in their neighbourhood. (mi)


Bea and Alex

are really the first couple we met, who also are on a big bicycle trip. They started in Alaska and have been in many National Parks in the States. Like us, they love good food, and so we had a great dinner at the campground, with red wine of course. Unfortunately, we could not spend more time together because both wanted to take a plane from LA to Ushuaya to continue their trip to South America to then head north. But probably we will meet again in Cuba! Until then we will follow their trip on their website (in German):



is the nephew of Lauri, who we met in Canada, and visited in California (see California 3) Aaron is web designer and with two friends founded a small company. He showed us some of the sites he made and we were very impressed. But mostly we liked the art project that he developed with his friends inspired by the book "Atlas shrugged" from Ayn Rand. They created posters and stickers about the theme in the book. The stickers they give to friends who travel so they can be spread all over the world. The common sign always is the "T" containing a questionmark. Probably you also have seen one of these signs. With Aaron that night we made a huge pizza, and ofcourse more red wine.


Jan and Jim 2

This is the second part of the Jan-andJim-confusion. Actually you can't mix them up if you know how they look like. This contact we got from a women we met on a BBC in Ferndale (Northern Calicornia). Jan and Jim No.2 live in an old house with lots of wood - very cosy! Jim's collection of bones from many sea animals and all the art object all over the house were very inspiring for us. Jim made two beautiful kajaks from wood and told us many interesting storys about paddelin around Baja. With Jan I visited the galery of her daughter, the district of "little Italy", and a wonderful COOP with cafe and art gallery. But the most we liked their way of life. Shortly before we sadly left they told us, that they have been hippies. Somehow, I think, you can notice it in Jim's dentist office., where both still work part days. I never found a such relaxed atmosphere in a fully booked office before. Jim even treated me between his patients! (mi)


Jan and Jim in Mystic Seaport, Connecticut.

Mila with Jim and Susan, a neighbour.

Jennifer and Ronald With Jennifer and Ronald we loughed like seldom before. Both just returned from a long bicycle trip. They started Mit Jennifer und Ronald haben wir soviel gelacht wie schon lange nicht mehr. Die beiden waren gerade von einer längeren Radtour nach Hause gekehrt. Sie waren wie wir im Frühling gestartet und sind quer durch die Staaten von Norden bis nach San Diego geradelt. Dabei haben sie auch wie wir ganz tolle Begegnungen mit Menschen gehabt. So z.B. einen Künstler, der ihnen sagte, daß er keine Menschen möge, aber bei Radfahrern eine Ausnahme mache. Jenni und Ron gefielen ihm so gut, daß er ihnen einen großes Herz aus Metall schweißte. Mehr über diese Radreise bei:
Grendel und Merlin, die Katzen der beiden schlossen uns so sehr ins Herz, daß sie schließlich mit auf der Gästecouch schliefen. Und O-Wunder: meine Katzenallergie war gar nicht mehr zu spüren, selbst wenn ich mit den Katzen im Arm ein Nickerchen hielt! (mi)


Alicia and David

David's father Tom invited us to his home when we asked him for a place to stay for the nihgt close to the Mexican border. But to get to his house we had to ride many more miles and it turned dark when we arrived. Short before we gave up to find him we saw him in front og his garage. Good luck! At the next morning Dave came to our tent and invited us to a cup of coffee. His mother Alicia offered us some pumpkin pie. And their good wishes for our trip helped, because the crossing of the border some hours later made no problems! (mi)


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