October 21st 2006
To get rid of all the spam-mails I removed all
e-mail-links from our website and replaced them by
coded texts, which you now have to copy into
the address-field of your mail program. Of course I also
disabled the old adresses.
July 2nd 2006
"bike stories/bumble bike/diary III"
I added the preparation for the trip to the Cycle Vision 2006,
where I nearly had my first hard accident after the front tire
burst at more than 40 mph.
May 23rd 2006
Finally we worked on our
"bike stories".
We translated all the missing texts
and reorganised the hole part. Markus also added a Diary
about the Bumble Bike. And in the next days we will start the
documentation abaut the construction of the Filou.
Actually there is still a short introduction.
April 8th 2006
Since October2005 we are back to a solid home in Duisburg,
but like always at the beginning odf a new life there
is much more to do than expected. So it took us until today to finish another
report about Chile:
"world trip/Diary/Chile: The greatly Little South".
August 9th 2005
Because of the still bad situation with
public internet access we have found the time to
work at our website not until now. This time you can read about our
return to Europe at
"world trip/Diary/Spain: Back in Europe".
May 22nd 2005
At Davids we could catch up with 2 new reports: 1st
about our crossing of the Atacama Desert at
"world trip/Diary/Chile: Atacama Desert"
and 2nd about the beautiful stage along the Pacific Coast of Chile at
"world trip/Diary/Chile: Panamericana".
April 20th 2005
This time finally you can read about our crossing
of the Salt Lake of Uyuni at
"world trip/Diary/Bolivia: Sun and Salt".
Furthermore we finished the report of our
wonderful stay in San Pedro de Atacama:
"world trip/Diary/Chile: at Papa Pandas".
March 16th 2005
A report about our stay in La Paz you'll find at
"world trip/Diary/Bolivia: Civilisation"
and many pictures about cycling on the bad roads in the South
of Bolivia are new at
"world trip/Diary/Bolivia: Gravel-cycling".
February 11th 2005
We had so much entrys in our guestbook, that entering a new one
took a long time. Now we removed all entrys of the last years and
put them into an own file. The new structure you can see at
or directly at the link on the left navigation bar.
January 22nd 2005
After we left La Paz in Bolivia we didn't get the chance to
work on our website for a long time. At a long recreating break
in San Pedro de Atacama, our first station in Cile, we
made a lot at the computer of "Papa Panda". The
first part of this work you can read now:
A report about cycling in the Altiplano,
"world trip/Diary/Perú: Andes Highland"
and one about the time at Lake Titicaca you can find at
"world trip/Diary/Bolivia: Lake Titicaca".
Then we translated
"world trip/Who we met/Guatemala",
"Perú Coast" and
"Andes Highland",
And finally there is a report about slave dances in Perú at
"art/Dance/Dances of the world/Perú".
December 6th 2004
This time we prepared two new reports for you. One about our experiences in Cusco:
"world trip/Diary/Perú: Cusco"
and a second about our visit in the ruins of Machu Picchu:
"world trip/Diary/Perú: Machu Picchu".
Then we desided to collect all maps about our route at
"world trip/Route"
The links "map" at the reports are no longer neccessary
and we deleted them. And at last we translated again some stories about our travelling contacts at
"world trip/Who we met/Mexico:Pacific Coast".
November 18th 2004
A report about our ride along the Peruian coast desert on the
Panamerican highway you can find at
"world trip/Diary/Perú/cycling in Perú".
October 29th 2004
This time we finished the report of our trip into the
Huascarán-National Park:
"world trip/Diary/Perú:high fliers".
New pictures of new friends you can find at
"world trip/Who we met/Perú".
September 27th 2004
The first report of our stay in Perú you can find at
"world trip/Diary/Perú/first days".
Than there is a new point
"world trip/Equipment/lost,worn out,abolished",
where we describe changes of our equipment. Also there is a new point
"world trip/Who we met/Links"
with links to other cyclists and travelers homepages. And of course we met several nice people in Perú.
First pictures you can find at
"world trip/Who we met/Perú".
To ease the navigation in our website we created the point
in the submenu on the left side.
And finally zou can see pictures of our 2. worn out rim at
"world trip/Technology/Breakdowns".
August 30th 2004
Before we left Guatemala we finished a report about our
cave adventures:
"world trip/Diary/Guatemala/Adventures"
August 1st 2004
Mila again put some beautiful pictures on her art-page: At
"art/Photography/Light lines"
she added two new puictures and a new subpoint
"art/Photography/Fire glow".
Furthermore there are four new pictures from the sundance in Troncones at
and a new subpoint
"art/Dance/Dances of the world/Mexico".
We also wrote two new reports of our world trip. One about the colorful poverty in Guatemala:
"world trip/Diary/Guatemala/colorful poverty"
with many additional pictures (see "more pictures") and a report about our stay in the language school:
"world trip/Diary/Guatemala/the language school".
We also updated all the maps in the reports.
And we added some new pictures of people we met at
"world trip/Who we met/Guatemala".
Ther you can read a long article about Barbara and her Street Dog Project in San Pedro L.L. At
"world trip/Technology/Breakdowns"
you can read about our problems with Mila's grip shift. At
You can see among other things Doña Rosa preparing Tortillas at
"world trip/Lovely food/Nationals/Guatemala"
and we added our Sunday breakfast at
"world trip/Lovely food/camping kitchen".
Also we took lots of pictures of oddities in Guatemala:
"world trip/Images/Oddities:Guatemala"
and more nature pictures at
"world trip/Images/near nature:Guatemala".
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February 19th 2003
Juhuu, our homepage is online!
The common work on the homepage made a lot of fun. Although it was hard
to combine perfect programming with creativ chaos. We are proud on our first attempt!
Have fun on reading.